How Pets Impact IAQ in Newberry, FL

While living with pets can bring endless joy to your home, it also increases your need for more frequent cleaning. These furry companions come with a host of allergens, from their hair and dander to their saliva. Here’s how your pets can impact your indoor air quality (IAQ) in Newberry, FL.

Pet Allergens

Pet hair is typically the easiest pet allergen to spot. You’ll find it accumulating on your floors and covering your furniture. Pet dander (your pet’s dry skin flakes) is just as common but next to impossible to see.

Your pet will shed fur and dander in any room they visit. You could also run into issues with pet urine and feces, which can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bacteria. Interacting with these pollutants may leave you sneezing, coughing or feeling itchy.

Keeping up to date with your annual HVAC maintenance is key to having a system that will keep your family and pets comfortable every season. During these appointments, your experienced technician can also recommend better air filters to tackle pet-based allergens along with other common contaminants.

Chemicals in Pet Products

Your pet’s care products, like flea treatments or cleansers, can also release VOCs. Constant exposure to these harmful gases and chemicals may make you susceptible to respiratory irritation and other health problems. Ventilating the area thoroughly when using these products can help mitigate these issues.

Outdoor Pollutants

Pets that routinely go outside can also track in outdoor pollutants. Their paws can carry dirt, pests, feces or fungal spores. When your pet comes inside and walks on your carpets or furniture, they could unintentionally transfer these allergens to your living spaces.

Learning more about pet allergens can help you take better care of your home’s vital air quality. Call Browning Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC now to schedule your IAQ appointment in Newberry, FL.

Image provided by iStock

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