Enjoy Clean Air and Increased Energy Efficiency With an ERV in Newberry, FL

Ventilators help to ensure that you breathe in clean air as you relax in your home. The energy recovery ventilator stands out due to its ability to offer extra benefits. Find out how the energy recovery ventilator increases energy efficiency and helps you enjoy clean air in Newberry, FL.

Cleaner Indoor Air

Your indoor air may contain pet dander, dust, debris, viruses, and bacteria. These pollutants endanger your health by putting you at risk of contracting respiratory illnesses. They may also cause sleep disorders, watery eyes, and headaches.

An energy recovery ventilator uses fans in its operation. One fan removes the indoor air in your home that contains foul odors and pollutants. The other fan blows fresh air from outside.

As the air from outside enters your home, it passes through a filter to ensure it does not introduce more contaminants into your indoor air space. This way, you enjoy improved indoor air quality, better sleep, and reduced irritations. The device is beneficial if you have someone in your household suffering from asthma or allergy attacks.

Better Humidity Control

It may be uncomfortable to stay in a home with excessive humidity. The energy recovery ventilator keeps you comfortable during the warm, humid months by removing this humidity from your home.

It does this through an exchange process. As the fresh air comes in from outside, the device transfers its humidity to the outgoing air.

Increased Energy Efficiency

Energy recovery ventilators strip off heat from the incoming air and relay it to the air going out during the summer. As a result, the air that enters your home does not have excessive warmth. During the winter, this process is reversed to keep more heat indoors Therefore, your air conditioner or heater will not have to work hard to cool or heat the air that just came in.

If you have been experiencing ventilation issues, contact Browning Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC for professional HVAC services. We have a wide array of solutions that you can adopt.

Image provided by iStock

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